Anyone Tried HRT To Help Mange Their Symptoms?
I've tried hormone medication and it didn't work. I'm currently on my 3rd week on humira and so far that's not working either.
Yes, hormone replacement therapy (HRT) can be considered for managing hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) symptoms, especially during menopause. Here are some key points:
- Hormone Fluctuations: Fluctuations in hormones like estrogen and progesterone can trigger HS symptoms
- HRT Benefits: Supplementing or replacing these read more
This AI-generated response comes from myHSteam and other selected sources. It is not a substitute for medical advice. Always ask your doctor about specific health concerns.
Make sure you have blood work done at about six months when you’re on Humria! they never did that for me. I was on it for a year and a half with no results finally did bloodwork found out that my body had built up antibodies to the drug, so it was doing nothing I was putting that nasty crap in me for nothing.
I started on bio identical HRT years ago now because my body naturally went through early menopause. It certainly evened out my most immediate post- menopause symptoms. When I switched doctors, I found that my estrogen was may be a little too high, nothing dramatic. The previous doctor had gone by symptoms rather than blood draw, and that’s hard to quantitate. I would get an occasionally boil here there before, but after lowering my dose of estrogen to a safer level to reduce my risk of breast cancer, I started to get more lesions. I think it was because the ratio changed and my estrogen was a smaller proportion to the testosterone that it used to be . The doctor said that didn’t cause it, but it happened at the exact same time so I question that. I’m not going to increase my estrogen though because breast cancer is a lot scarier than HS. I don’t know, maybe the HS would be even worse if I wasn’t on HRT, so maybe it is helping. I think it’s important to work closely with your doctor. I would use a blood draw instead of symptoms to measure how much estrogen you need.. And I would probably use the minimal amount of testosterone you need to feel your best as I think the testosterone probably influences HS more than the estrogen does. That’s my two cents. Best wishes!
I should add that I use creams and a progesterone capsule. I either apply or take everything at night. You do want to be sure you take progesterone as well as estrogen and testosterone because everything has to be balanced together and progesterone has a protective effect. Make sure you work with a doctor who is experienced.
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