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Does Anyone Know If Anyone Or Anyplace Is Working On A Cure??

A myHSteam Member asked a question 💭
A myHSteam Member

Use the product called My Magic Healer. I am spreading the word. Its a miracle and will change your life. My HS is not 100% gone but its beyter than it was and I have 0% pain and that's a win for… read more

How Do You Cope With Feeling Really Unattractive?

A myHSteam Member asked a question 💭

I keep getting new ones pop up and they take months to go. Leaves me so self conscious and I don’t want my partner to see. It’s making me really depressed
Right now have a huge lump right at the very top of my thigh and it’s so ugly and won’t ease ☹️☹️

A myHSteam Member

i feel like this often and he has been with me 3 years now, were engaged too. he reassures me and so does everyone else in my life and i couldnt be more grateful but im here to talk if you need it… read more

My Daughter Was Prescribed Minocylcline And Reading Over The Side Effects I Am Very Nervous For Her To Take It. Has Anyone Got Advice ?

A myHSteam Member asked a question 💭
A myHSteam Member

Have you taken this antibiotic? Side effects?

Is Anyone In Stage 3 And Have Issues?

A myHSteam Member asked a question 💭

My husband is in so much pain and has issues sitting/walking. He gets injections from Dermatologist every month to calm it down.

A myHSteam Member

Stage 3 hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) can lead to several severe issues, including:

- Multiple interconnected sinus tracts that drain fluid
- Leaking bumps and sores, sometimes with a foul-smelling… read more

Relationship Advice

A myHSteam Member asked a question 💭

I'm 26 I started having hs thanksgiving last year while a few months pregnant.its been awful so far no doctor help getti g bounced from doctor to doctor I see a dermatologist the 10th so hopefully I get some clarity but as of now my relationship is falling apart becuz of hs it sucks and nothing I can do about it anyone experience this? Feeling crappy

A myHSteam Member

For relationship advice related to hidradenitis suppurativa (HS), here are some key points from the knowledge base:

- Communication is Key: Open communication with your partner about HS can help… read more

Has Anyone Tried Taking Vitmain D, I Have Been Reading About It Helping But Would Love To Hear Opinions!

A myHSteam Member asked a question 💭
A myHSteam Member

I found I was low on vitamin d and iron so given prescription for those for 6 weeks and now on daily otc vitamin d

Has Anyone Had A Cyst That Tracked From Armpit To Your Heart?

A myHSteam Member asked a question 💭

I am a heart patient, triple bypass. As the tunnel under my arm is growing toward my chest, it's making my chest ache uncomfortably, spreading through to the back of my shoulder blade. Like a mild heart attack. But I think it's just from the pain of the tunnel. Anyone had this experience before?

A myHSteam Member

I would get it checked out. An ECG (EKG) will rule out heart problems v. tunnel issues.


A myHSteam Member asked a question 💭

So, I finally saw a rheumatologist Friday, still need to get updated blood work before anything is final, but she is saying that HS can cause my body to go into flares and create fevers, attack my joints , pretty much everything that RA and Lupus can create. I sorta think that she is just using HS as the main source of everything, and writing off the rest. I was looking forward to this meeting as maybe finally getting some answers, but I feel like I've been dismissed. I was misdiagnosed with… read more

A myHSteam Member

Thank you to the both of you. You two have made me feel better, that I could have an autoimmune disorder as well
My dermatologist wants to either start me on cosentyx or humira or atleast discuss on… read more

Gosh Mines So Band Under My Left Armpit It So Scarred Up How Can I Even Think Of Being With A Friend I'm Afraid They'll See It And Gross Out

A myHSteam Member asked a question 💭
A myHSteam Member

i feel you honestly it was so hard for me at first and i felt like crap whenever i wore a sleeveless shirt, but little by little i started to get comfortable with my armpits in privet and i started… read more

To Keep Yourself Calm What Are The Other Things That Other People Do

A myHSteam Member asked a question 💭

I do painting I do artwork reading listen to music I'm just curious because maybe there's something I am missing

A myHSteam Member

His name is Jesus. Find him in the nearest Bible