What’s Your Trick For Enjoying Holiday Treats And Staying On Track? 🎃
Sugar free candy ,sugar free cookies,Tito’s and Celsius sugar free drink lol
I honestly have never been a sweets kinda guy. I'm a savory man😅
Candice.....I don't have much control with sugary things either and I crave them. I have found my trigger for HS is sugar......I am in complete remission because I'm on the keto diet......its no sugar and no carbs.....and most don't know that carbs (potatoes, pasta, breads and rices) turn into sugar when your body is processing them. May be worth a try! When I stick to keto I can have a pack of Reeses Peanut Butter Cups (it's a weakness) twice a week without a lesion.
I cut out sugar and dairy and meat, vegan now and nearly all my active sores and scarring is gone. There are times I give in to temptation and when I do I end up paying for it. It’s hard to deny myself those luxuries but it’s harder having to cope and deal with HS.
Cheryl8 you may be my sister...lol
No Bump. Painful Skin.
How Do You Have Sex With This Condition? I'm So Lonely But Too Embarrassed To Talk To Anyone 😭😭😭😭
Has Anyone Had Surgery To Have The Track Removed?